What is a " Naturalist " and " SuperNaturalist " in Christianity?Christianity is very diverse in it’s theology. While Christianity has no easy categorization of beliefs, Christians will generally fall into one of two types: the Naturalist or the Supernaturalist. Most Christians are a mixture of Supernaturalist and Naturalist; however, most Christians lean towards naturalism. This has to do with the understanding of the “Order of... Read more »
Eusebius Pamphilus of CaesareaEusebius Pamphilus of Caesarea was a great christian historian and bible critic that contributed immensely to the modern Bible we have today. He was born around 260 to 265 and died around 339 to 340 AD. He lived in Caesarea which is now day Israel near Tel Aviv. His works, especially on the “Ecclesiastical History”... Read more »
Should pastors work or should they receive full time salaries?Probably one of the most hated issues in the Christian church, by Christians and Non-Christians alike, is how much money pastors are paid. Even more so lately, as the average salary for pastors has risen tremendously. Pastors earning a salary from their congregation is a relatively new occurrence in the Christian church. The early church... Read more »
Man’s best friendEvery one has heard the saying “Man’s best friend“. When people say this, they are usually talking about a dog. While dogs are great creatures and surely help any household, “Man’s best friend” is no beast. From the beginning, there was no beast that could possibly be suitable for a man. Because of this, God... Read more »
What is sin?The subject of sin seems to be very cryptic as of recent years and continually lands Christians into confusion. I heard a sermon recently on the exact question “What is Sin?” and the answer was confusing and vague. The answer the pastor gave was “disobeying God.” Subsequently, the sermon was about drinking too much alcohol... Read more »
All Christians teach that God is eternal. They use the Bible primarily to explain why; but, what if someone needs a logical reason that is not based on the Bible. I wrote this article to show that, not only does the Bible teach that God is eternal; but, the normal logical mind can come to... Read more »
The Creator of heaven and earthThe underlying theme in all Christian theology and teaching is the concept that God created everything. Christianity does not teach a theology of random, arbitrary chances that made everything coming into being. This is stated simply in the Apostles creed and expounded in the confessions. God created everything While Christians believe God the Father created... Read more »
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,  was crucified, died, and was buriedAn essential teaching in Christianity is the crucifixion and death of Christ. Christians teach that the death of Christ was for the purpose of making propitiation for our sin, reconciling us to God, and paying the price for our sins in our place. The Westminster Confession of Faith states; The office of Mediator the Lord... Read more »
The third day He arose again from the deadOne of the most important teachings in the Christian faith is the resurrection of the dead. According to the New Testament, the apostles were witnesses to Christ’s resurrection on the third day. Christianity teaches that Christ rose in His literal, physical body. We believe that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit rose Christ from... Read more »
He ascended into heavenAn essential teaching in Christianity is that Christ ascended into heaven. Before He ascended, he taught the disciples what to do in their ministry. This supports even more that the disciples were witnesses to His resurrection. The disciples knew He was raised from the dead because, they all touched Him and felt His body. After... Read more »