Catechetical lectures of Cyril of JerusalemCyril of Jerusalem wrote one of the earliest Catechisms in Christianity. Next to the “Teaching of the twelve” also known as the “Didache,” Cyril wrote one of the most influential Catechisms in the history of the Christian church. In order to bring new converts into Christianity, learning the “Catechism” was and is still today the... Read more »
Infographic: The Covenant of Grace looking forward and backward to ChristThe “Covenant of Grace” is a teaching within the Westminster confession of Faith and the Catechisms that systemetizes and explains core Christisn beliefs. The “Covenant of Grace” consists of the Old and New Testament. They are not two covenants but one. The Old Testament of “time of the law” and the New Testament or “time... Read more »
Below is an Inforgraphic chart that shows the comparison between general soteriological views taught in different Christian denominations. The chart is based off of the TULIP Calvinist theology. This is similar to the Order of Decrees chart made by B.B. Warfield in his book Plan of Salvation. The chart is built off the difference between... Read more »
Explanation of the Christian doctrine of the TrinityThe Trinity is one of the most controversial teachings in Christianity. There are many views that are incorrect and the analogies Christians come up with are not even close to accurate. While many believe the trinity cannot be explained, this article is dedicated to explaining the trinity in the most simple terms possible. Incorrect views... Read more »
Quotes from the Early Church Fathers: Man in God’s image and the TrinityThe Church Fathers, Tertullian and Augustine both explained the trinity in regards to man being created in the image of God. Their explanation was not like modern day explanations that teach man is body, soul, and spirit. This explanation of the Trinity and man being created in the image of God is not found in... Read more »
Quotes from the Early Church Fathers: on the TrinityBefore we can come to a clear understanding of the doctrine of the trinity in Christianity, it is absolutely imperative to read what the early church fathers taught about God. The Trinity was expounded upon over time through the study and defense of the Apostolic and Old Testament teachings. The early church fathers originally only... Read more »
All Christians teach that God is eternal. They use the Bible primarily to explain why; but, what if someone needs a logical reason that is not based on the Bible. I wrote this article to show that, not only does the Bible teach that God is eternal; but, the normal logical mind can come to... Read more »