Many Christians teach a concept called “Abraham’s Bosom.” This teaching purports that Hades or Sheol has two separate areas within it. One area is for the unrighteous in torment and the other is Paradise. They teach that Paradise is where all the righteous go before the resurrection of the dead at the last day. The... Read more »
The teaching that the Son of God was begotten from God before eternity is denied by some Christians. An Example of this is Wayne Jackson’s article on “Was Jesus the ‘Son of God’ Eternally?“. Wayne Jackson poses several arguments against the Orthodox teaching. A few of his reasons are that “Begotten Is Not Eternal,” the... Read more »
There is much confusion in Christianity today on what it means to be a Christian. The church, in general, seems to have lost the identity they are supposed to clearly teach. Because of the bombardment of absurd statements about what a Christian is, I am writing this article to clarify the subject. A Christian has... Read more »
Christianity is very diverse in it’s theology. While Christianity has no easy categorization of beliefs, Christians will generally fall into one of two types: the Naturalist or the Supernaturalist. Most Christians are a mixture of Supernaturalist and Naturalist; however, most Christians lean towards naturalism. This has to do with the understanding of the “Order of... Read more »
Probably one of the most hated issues in the Christian church, by Christians and Non-Christians alike, is how much money pastors are paid. Even more so lately, as the average salary for pastors has risen tremendously. Pastors earning a salary from their congregation is a relatively new occurrence in the Christian church. The early church... Read more »
Every one has heard the saying “Man’s best friend“. When people say this, they are usually talking about a dog. While dogs are great creatures and surely help any household, “Man’s best friend” is no beast. From the beginning, there was no beast that could possibly be suitable for a man. Because of this, God... Read more »
The subject of sin seems to be very cryptic as of recent years and continually lands Christians into confusion. I heard a sermon recently on the exact question “What is Sin?” and the answer was confusing and vague. The answer the pastor gave was “disobeying God.” Subsequently, the sermon was about drinking too much alcohol... Read more »
All Christians teach that God is eternal. They use the Bible primarily to explain why; but, what if someone needs a logical reason that is not based on the Bible. I wrote this article to show that, not only does the Bible teach that God is eternal; but, the normal logical mind can come to... Read more »
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Interdimensional Theology: The Law and Fulfillment of the Sabbath