Which phrase “only Son” or “only begotten Son” is used in the original Apostles Creed?Most English versions of the Old Roman Creed and the Apostles Creed state in part "Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord," but some translations of this clause have "only begotten" instead of "only." Is the original language Greek, and is the word here "monogenes?" Do Latin versions of these creeds use "unicus" or "unigenitis" here? I'm trying to learn how the ancient Church understood the word "monogenes."
Death and Hades in the Book of RevelationIn the article “He descended into hell” I made the statement “Hades, hell, Sheol (is) described with the same attributes” which received the following criticism from someone who visited Apostles-Creed.Org. He sent me an email stating, I noticed that you have an error on your web site. You have conflated Hades/Sheol with Hell. If you... Read more »
Explanation of the Christian doctrine of the TrinityThe Trinity is one of the most controversial teachings in Christianity. There are many views that are incorrect and the analogies Christians come up with are not even close to accurate. While many believe the trinity cannot be explained, this article is dedicated to explaining the trinity in the most simple terms possible. Incorrect views... Read more »
Quotes from the Early Church Fathers: Man in God’s image and the TrinityThe Church Fathers, Tertullian and Augustine both explained the trinity in regards to man being created in the image of God. Their explanation was not like modern day explanations that teach man is body, soul, and spirit. This explanation of the Trinity and man being created in the image of God is not found in... Read more »
Quotes from the Early Church Fathers: The Word, Virgin birth, and  IncarnationThe early Christian Fathers all taught that Christ is God. They taught that Christ is the Word of God incarnate as a human born from the virgin Mary. Not only did they teach Christ was Christ begotten from eternity, they also taught that He became a man and lived on earth as the only begotten Son... Read more »
Quotes from the Early Church Fathers: Christ Begotten from EternityThe doctrine of the Trinity has a core teaching that was taught by the early church. The early church taught that Christ was begotten before eternity. This is a necessary and scriptural teaching of the nature of Christ. Christianity teaches that Christ is fully God and Fully man. When discussing Christs divinity, the early church... Read more »
Quotes from the Early Church Fathers: on the TrinityBefore we can come to a clear understanding of the doctrine of the trinity in Christianity, it is absolutely imperative to read what the early church fathers taught about God. The Trinity was expounded upon over time through the study and defense of the Apostolic and Old Testament teachings. The early church fathers originally only... Read more »
What is a Cult and a Non-Christian cult in Christianity?In todays debate between differing religious groups, it is inescapable to hear the “cult” label thrown around towards the opposing religious group. The word “cult” is used as an insult and is completely misused in today’s language. This leads religious groups to defend themselves against the epithet. It is important to know what the word... Read more »
12 types of the Visible Christian church: The Good, the Bad, the UglyIn discussing the Holy Catholic Church, the types of “visible” churches came into discussion. These churches have true believers in them, some have very few believers and some have many true believers. There can be more types drafted from the Bible; however, I was able to extract the below 12 different types of the “visible”... Read more »
Being ’ filled with ’ or ’ the Baptism of ’  the Holy SpiritIn discussing the Holy Spirit, the subject about being “filled” or “baptized” with the Holy Spirit came up. The Bible shows a distinction between being regenerated or saved by the washing and renewing of the Holy Spirit and having gifts bestowed upon a person. The indwelling of the Spirit prior to being “filled” or “baptized“... Read more »