Suffered under Pontius Pilate,  was crucified, died, and was buriedAn essential teaching in Christianity is the crucifixion and death of Christ. Christians teach that the death of Christ was for the purpose of making propitiation for our sin, reconciling us to God, and paying the price for our sins in our place. The Westminster Confession of Faith states; The office of Mediator the Lord... Read more »
The third day He arose again from the deadOne of the most important teachings in the Christian faith is the resurrection of the dead. According to the New Testament, the apostles were witnesses to Christ’s resurrection on the third day. Christianity teaches that Christ rose in His literal, physical body. We believe that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit rose Christ from... Read more »
He ascended into heavenAn essential teaching in Christianity is that Christ ascended into heaven. Before He ascended, he taught the disciples what to do in their ministry. This supports even more that the disciples were witnesses to His resurrection. The disciples knew He was raised from the dead because, they all touched Him and felt His body. After... Read more »
The holy catholic churchBecause the word “catholic” is not found in the Bible, many people say it is not a Christian teaching. The fact is, the Christian church is “catholic” and the teaching is fully supported in the Bible. The word “catholic” comes from a compound of two Greek words put together as one. The word “Church” is... Read more »
The resurrection of the bodyThe resurrection of the body is probably the most debated teaching in the Bible. During Christ’s time, there were those who did not believe in the resurrection, spirits or angels. Jesus made many arguments for the resurrection of the dead which were later expounded upon by the Apostles. The Apostles clearly taught that believers will... Read more »
Saint Athanasius of AlexandriaSaint Athanasius of Alexandria was born in c. 296 A.D. and died in 373 A.D. He was called a “Doctor of the Church” and is considered one of the greatest theologians in the Christian faith. His christological teaching helped to form our understanding of the trinity we hold today. He was from Alexandria in Egypt.... Read more »
Saint Ignatius of AntiochSaint Ignatius of Antioch was a great Christian and early church father that wrote several letters that are referenced by Christians today. He was killed by the Roman government because he did not worship the Roman Emperor or the Roman gods. Saint Ignatius’s birth day is unknown. He was born somewhere around 40 A.D.. Antioch... Read more »