Which phrase “only Son” or “only begotten Son” is used in the original Apostles Creed?Most English versions of the Old Roman Creed and the Apostles Creed state in part "Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord," but some translations of this clause have "only begotten" instead of "only." Is the original language Greek, and is the word here "monogenes?" Do Latin versions of these creeds use "unicus" or "unigenitis" here? I'm trying to learn how the ancient Church understood the word "monogenes."
Catechetical lectures of Cyril of JerusalemCyril of Jerusalem wrote one of the earliest Catechisms in Christianity. Next to the “Teaching of the twelve” also known as the “Didache,” Cyril wrote one of the most influential Catechisms in the history of the Christian church. In order to bring new converts into Christianity, learning the “Catechism” was and is still today the... Read more »
Did Jesus preach the gospel to spirits in hades and raise them to heaven?A really good comment was submitted from my contact page in regards to "hades." This is the comment that was sent. "One thing I think you may have not considered or mentioned on the “paradise” issue is it *prior to the resurrection* being a separated compartment of sheol. You did say this was also the... Read more »
Death and Hades in the Book of RevelationIn the article “He descended into hell” I made the statement “Hades, hell, Sheol (is) described with the same attributes” which received the following criticism from someone who visited Apostles-Creed.Org. He sent me an email stating, I noticed that you have an error on your web site. You have conflated Hades/Sheol with Hell. If you... Read more »
Christmas Vespers 2016 Providence Presbyterian Church Virginia Beach December 11 2016Check out a sneak view of a traditional Presbyterian church choir and bells. This is a traditional service in a Presbyterian church that celebrates Christmas evening hymns and prayer. “Vespers” is the sunset evening prayer service in the Orthodox, Western and Eastern Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran liturgies of the canonical hours. The word comes from the... Read more »
Infographic: The Covenant of Grace looking forward and backward to ChristThe “Covenant of Grace” is a teaching within the Westminster confession of Faith and the Catechisms that systemetizes and explains core Christisn beliefs. The “Covenant of Grace” consists of the Old and New Testament. They are not two covenants but one. The Old Testament of “time of the law” and the New Testament or “time... Read more »
Infographic: Christ’s offices of Prophet, Priest, and King in the Westminster CatechismThe teaching in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter and Larger Catechism on the offices of Christ help understand Christ ministry on earth and what He is doing in heaven. Christ fulfills three offices, the offices of Prophet, Priest, and King. His office as Mediator is his once offering himself a sacrifice without... Read more »
Infographic: The Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ – Westminster CatechismAn Integral part of understanding Jesus Christ and what He did in His earthly minister is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith Larger Catechism. It says: Our Mediator was called Christ, because he was anointed with the Holy Ghost above measure; and so set apart, and fully furnished with all authority and ability, to... Read more »
Infographic: The Trinity in Salvation, the Means of Grace, and Saving GracesThe understanding of the Trinity and how God saves us is critical. God the Father predestines us, The Son redeems us in His atonement, and the Holy Spirit regenerates us and causes us to persevere through sanctification. All aspects of the plan of salvation are controlled by God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The... Read more »
Below is an Inforgraphic chart that shows the comparison between general soteriological views taught in different Christian denominations. The chart is based off of the TULIP Calvinist theology. This is similar to the Order of Decrees chart made by B.B. Warfield in his book Plan of Salvation. The chart is built off the difference between... Read more »
Could a person’s spirit have existed before their soul was created?I recently received a couple questions from my friend ObeyAllGodCommands which stated, Hello, James, I was wondering since spirit and soul are different things and a soul is the combination of a body and a spirit then could a person’s spirit have existed before their soul was created? Also, could different people share/ have the... Read more »